Did you know that Colombia is very well known when it comes to coffee beans? Colombia is known for producing some of the best coffee in the world. It is located in the lush, misty mountains of the Andes. 


The delightful Pink Bourbon coffee variety can be found in the enchanted Medellin mountains. It tastes like a tropical getaway in a cup thanks to its vibrant pink cherries and distinctive flavour profile. The bright acidity and fruity notes of this variety make it the ideal coffee for Europeans.


You can find the Castillo/Colombia coffee variety by travelling to Armenia. This coffee, which bears the name of its native Colombia, has a balanced, mellow flavour with hints of caramel and chocolate. It’s the ideal ally for a warm European morning or a pick-me-up in the middle of the day.


The comforting Castillo/Colombia or the enchanting Pink Bourbon, Colombian coffee beans are sure to elevate your coffee experience. Prepare yourself for a flavorful journey that will take you from the heart of Colombia to your cup of coffee in Europe.


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

Pulped Natural, Natural, Washed (less common)
April–September, October–December (Espírito Santo)Typical ArrivalOctober–January, February–March (Espírito Santo)
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Maragogype, Typica

October–January, February–March
(Espírito Santo)


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

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