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Welcome to the exciting world of Brazilian coffee, European coffee lovers! Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee, located in the heart of South America. These beans receive a coastal breeze’s kiss, giving them a distinctive flavour profile that is as fluid as a samba dance.


Visit the humid Sul de Minas area, where coffee plantations cover the gently rolling hills. The delightful Catuai beans can be found here; they are renowned for their balanced body and crisp acidity. They dance on your tongue like a carnival in Brazil, leaving you wanting more.


However, there’s still more! 


The Yellow Catuai variety is the star of the show in Brazil’s beautiful Huila region. These beans will take your taste buds on a tropical adventure with their citrusy brightness and honey-like sweetness.



Here comes the star of the show: The Brazilian coffee blend. The best beans from these various regions are blended into one harmonious cup of coffee perfection, like a symphony of flavours. It’s the Brazilian trick that will make your mornings in Europe magical.


In recent years, Brazil’s coffee landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation. While traditionally known for its vast quantities of coffee production, the country has shifted gears, placing a strong emphasis on quality and specialty coffee. This evolution has been driven by a growing community of passionate coffee growers who meticulously cultivate unique varietals, experiment with processing methods, and prioritise sustainability. Brazil now proudly boasts a flourishing specialty coffee scene, attracting global attention with its distinctive flavour profiles and innovative approaches. The blend of tradition and innovation has paved the way for a new era in Brazilian coffee, offering European coffee lovers a chance to savour the depth and complexity of this coffee powerhouse.


We can satisfy your coffee cravings, my fellow connoisseurs, whether you prefer the sultry notes of Santos, the zesty Huila delights, or the magic of a Brazilian blend. Let the warmth and vigour of this amazing country fill your mornings as you travel to Brazil with us with each sip. “Cheers to your coffee adventure!”


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

Pulped Natural, Natural, Washed (less common)
April–September, October–December (Espírito Santo)Typical ArrivalOctober–January, February–March (Espírito Santo)
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Maragogype, Typica

October–January, February–March
(Espírito Santo)


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

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