With your eyes closed, travel to the soul of Indian coffee, where each sip narrates a story. Our European taste buds will be enthralled by the delightful aroma and flavour that India’s coffee plantations offer.


In India, coffee thrives in the shade of big trees, giving Arabica beans the perfect growing conditions, while the Western Ghats of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu provide a picturesque backdrop.The S-795, a favourite of European coffee connoisseurs, stands out among the abundant coffee varietals with its lively acidity and vibrant flavours.


The Catimor variety can be found if you travel further to Coorg, which has peaceful landscapes and is sometimes referred to as the “Scotland of India.” For those who enjoy a strong cup of coffee, these beans have a charming earthiness and a robust body.


The Sarchimor variety grows among charming tea gardens in the high altitudes of Wayanad, Kerala, and the misty regions of Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu. It’s a charming option that suits the tastes of Europeans thanks to its fruity undertones and mild acidity.


Now let us travel to the Chikmagalur region, where Indian coffee was first produced. The CxR (Cauvery x Robusta) mixture has settled down here. This variety, which is strong and intense, gives your coffee experience a dash of rustic charm. 


Finally, let’s now transport you and your coffee adventure to Baba Budangiri’s enchanted realm, where coffee magic and legend meet! Here in India, coffee originated and became popular as the beans began to move to the beat of the mountains.


Here, coffee is a symphony rather than just a beverage. The hills resound with the laughter of coffee cherubs, and the air is heavy with the delicious smell of freshly roasted coffee beans.


As a result, whether you’re drinking coffee by the Eiffel Tower or in London, you can always count on the aromatic magic of Indian coffee. Our beans come from these exquisite firms, promising your taste buds a delightful and unforgettable journey. Experience Indian coffee’s robust flavours and vibrant aromas to up your coffee game to a whole new level. Salutations to a world of coffee wonders at your fingertips!


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

Pulped Natural, Natural, Washed (less common)
April–September, October–December (Espírito Santo)Typical ArrivalOctober–January, February–March (Espírito Santo)
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Maragogype, Typica

October–January, February–March
(Espírito Santo)


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

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