Honduras,a hidden treasure found while travelling through Central America. Tucked away in the triangle formed by Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, this country entices visitors looking for an adventure off the beaten path with its colourful culture and varied landscapes.


You will be surrounded by gorgeous beaches along the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, verdant rainforests, and stunning mountains that beg to be hiked as soon as you step foot in this diverse nation. These diverse landscapes come together to create a special place that appeals to nature lovers, adventurers, and culture seekers alike.


Rich volcanic soil, where the coffee is grown, gives it a distinct flavour. Honduras has a climate that is ideal for growing coffee, with lots of sunshine and rain. The coffee is grown at high altitudes, which contributes to its exceptional quality and unique brightness in flavour.


Let’s talk about some varietals now. Honduras is known for producing excellent coffee beans, particularly the Typica and Catuai varieties. The country’s perfect climate and rich soil allow these beans to flourish, giving rise to flavours that are simply unrivalled. Every cup is a delightful surprise, with undertones of fruitiness and chocolate. .


Honduras therefore beckons to Coffee Lovers around the world looking for a genuine, off-the-beaten-path adventure. Take in the perfect brew of coffee and adventure, waiting for you to discover and savour!


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

Pulped Natural, Natural, Washed (less common)
April–September, October–December (Espírito Santo)Typical ArrivalOctober–January, February–March (Espírito Santo)
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Maragogype, Typica

October–January, February–March
(Espírito Santo)


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

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