Nestled in Central America, Guatemala is a treasure trove of breathtaking scenery and some of the best coffee beans you’ll ever taste. Guatemala is the ideal destination for coffee enthusiasts looking for a unique flavour experience!


luxuriant, productive lands that traverse volcanic terrain. That’s the location of the magic. Coffee from Guatemala is well known for its outstanding flavour and quality. How come? The land, altitude, and climate play a crucial role in producing some of the most sought-after coffee varietals, such as Bourbon, Pache, and Caturra.


Talk about bourbon. We are discussing a coffee variety that is well-known for having a smooth and sweet flavour. It tastes like a symphony of notes from chocolate and caramel dancing on your palate.


And there’s Pache, a true treasure. This varietal adds a lovely complexity that is frequently unexpected due to its floral and fruity aromas. After each sip, you’re left wanting more of this type of coffee.


Caturra, too? Ah, a time-tested favourite! This variety offers a well-balanced cup with lovely sweetness and crisp, bright acidity. It’s comfort food, similar to coffee in that it’s always satisfying but also familiar.


Imagine having these amazing beans delivered right to your cup right now. Our company is dedicated to obtaining these superior green coffee beans from Guatemala and other nations, so that European coffee enthusiasts can fully immerse themselves in the culture of Central America.


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

Pulped Natural, Natural, Washed (less common)
April–September, October–December (Espírito Santo)Typical ArrivalOctober–January, February–March (Espírito Santo)
Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Maragogype, Typica

October–January, February–March
(Espírito Santo)


Methods :

Period :

Varieties :

Arrival :

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